سبحان الله

قبل النوم سبح باسم الله 100 مره
واستغفر 70 مره
لن ياخذ من 6 او خمس دقائق
واكثر من الاستغفار في اي وقت

سبحان الله عدد ماكان وعدد مايكون وعدد الحركات والسكون
وكن على يقين بوجود الله

لا الله الا الله محمد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
الله اكبر

الأحد، 27 يونيو 2010

Do you smile
Have you reached
to what you want to achiave
Do I ask a lot
Wall I will go to the point
I know that you didnot think of me at all
But you did not come out of my mind
Now because of you
Heart broken
Ican not be myself again
you have made me jealous
you made me draw me future with you
then you go with another woman
is this what it was
just play with me feelings
Iwas hate idiots
and now you has bacome one of them
so it is better in your next visit
Stop this looks

Ifeel fine now
Even if you re naer
my haert is fine
so do not be surprised
when you see
Another girl
Because this girl
its in the fact
it me
yeeh oooh
Get lost

هاي كتبتها حق شخص عزيز علي
وطبعا ماتخطيته هي لو كتبت فالقصيده العكس
المهم اتمنى اشوف ارائكم

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